Dr. Guillaume Salomon
Dr. Guillaume Salomon

Principal Investigator

Short CV:

08/2020-present: Research Group Leader, Institute of Laser Physics, Hamburg University, Hamburg, Germany

2019: ERC Starting Grant for the project FLATBANDS

2014-2020: Postdoc in the group of Prof. Immanuel Bloch, Max-Planck Institute of Quantum Optics, Garching, Germany

2011-2014: PhD in the group of Prof. Alain Aspect, Institut d'Optique, Palaiseau, France

email: guillaume.salomon(AT)uni-hamburg.de

Meny Menashes
Meny Menashes

PhD student

email: mmenashe(AT)physnet.uni-hamburg.de

Thies Plaßmann
Thies Plaßmann

PhD student

email: thies.plassmann(AT)uni-hamburg.de

Leon Schäfer
Leon Schäfer

PhD student

email: leon.schaefer(AT)physik.uni-hamburg.de


Julie Veschambre, Master student (2023, now PhD at Collège de France)
Etienne Cardi, Master student (2022)
Immo Dede, BSC (2022)
Lars Fischer, BSC (2021, now PhD at ETH Zurich)
Jonas Rauchfuß, BSC (2021, now PhD at Hamburg University)